Monday, October 1, 2012

Life, death and the Immortal virus.

And Death shall be no more;
Death, thou shall die!
And Death shall be no more,
Death thou shall die.

Repetition? No. Noticing the punctuations? Yes. Is that the only difference? No. You might pelt stones at me but I am forced to say that the difference is as huge as Shakespeare's and Hellen Garner's works. That is what I learnt today after watching Emma Thompson re-living her life whilst battling her insidious ovarian cancer of the 4th stage with pernicious side effects.
WIT (2001). Life and death begin as mere entities that may give birth to a complex body of work with a lot of scope for word play. They seem abstract. They seem to make Poetry. Slowly, they become personal; so personal that there lasts no more word plays or abstraction. Humanity takes over creativity. Feelings take over grey matter. Emotions take over a strong will. Emma Thompson aka Vivian Bearing is the kinds who makes fun of her own misery. Plain cold humour.
One can't help but have a silent dialogue with her at every point of the movie as she talks to you, eye to eye. Mostly the eye talks louder. You will find yourself looking into a pair of assertive blue eyes, that does not express in sync with the emotions that her words express. She is tough. She likes it that way. She renders the words life,death and eternity with the same tone as if they are mere words. I would give it to you if you could watch the movie without finding yourself in the same room as of hers by the end of it all.

Dialogues and delivery take the limelight. You better free all your senses while sitting to watch the movie. No multitasking shall take place. It shall be you and Vivian having a dialogue for the next one and a half hours. You are allowed to weep, laugh and talk to her in those one and a half hours.There shall be moments where you might feel sorry for Vivian while she has brief but tough times with the indifferent, information rich and research hungry physicians. While their insensitivity might evoke sympathy in you, it evokes amusement in Vivian. You should be getting to know her better now. The dialogues are painfully funny and 'wit'ty. To decide what to be done after your heart stops, whether to get your chest pumped out and triggering the heart to function or to let it go, while wetting your bed out of fear is a situation Vivian is put in. Beat that.

Be prepared and toughen up to watch this masterpiece. Hey watch it anyway. Its worthy of a disturbed mind and a few sleepless nights. WIT is magnificent. It is on the face. Watch it 'atleast once' before you die.

DIRECTOR : Mike Nichols
ACTOR: Emma Thompson
Picture Courtesy :


  1. Here's a movie I had never heard of before. And now dying to see it. Nice review :)

    1. Hey Kunal! Do write your review of the movie after watching it and share it with me. Looking forward.

  2. I still remember her interaction with her mentor. That is the most poignant moment of the movie. It changed the way I look at poetry. Truly marvellous movie!

    1. Well if not for you, this review wouldn't exist!

  3. Replies
    1. Hey Nikita! I am glad you feel so! Keep visiting!

  4. you’re a great professional for writing it, congrats.

  5. Thank you for such a valuable comment dear. :) I wish you a great life!


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